6 Cannabis Industry Trends and Predictions
Updated 7/20/21:
Beth Lawrence, our Chief Experience Officer, recently collaborated with CHAHNY (Cannabis and Hemp Networking Association of NY) to outline what the future of cannabis will look like.
You can check out the article here.
Originally Published 4/20/21:
At BLME, we have always been advocates for the legalization of cannabis and, subsequently, the cannabis-related events and business opportunities that would come with that. We have worked on several cannabis events and conventions, such as the Cannabis Private Investment Summit and B.PHL Innovation Fest, where we created a cannabis-focused panel. We at BLME are so excited to see that marijuana is being legalized in more and more states. (We’re looking at you, Jersey!) Since we always like to be ahead of the curve, BLME founder and Chief Experience Officer Beth Lawrence examined trends and happenings in the cannabis industry and came up with her top predictions for the future of the field.
6 Cannabis Industry Trends and Predictions
1. Cannabis tourism will take off.
We have already seen this with Colorado and California, and especially after the year that we have had with respect to legalization, I think we can expect adults to begin making travel plans around legalization.
2. Experiential events will become very prevalent and popular.
There is so much that we as a society have to learn about plant medicine in general, and I predict that cannabis education will become more tangible, and more of a well-rounded experience. For example, hosting an event (or a pop-up/brick and mortar) that has not only a course or education around cannabis, but that will allow attendees to sample and figure out their own individual needs--while still having a great time.
3. States that do not legalize will fall behind.
The menu from our “Cooking with CBD” event.
We will definitely see states and towns within states that are 'left behind' in this boom. Frankly, almost all of the East Coast is quite behind our West Coast counterparts, so those cities and states that are opting out of it, I believe, will regret it in the end.
4. The demand for cannabis delivery services will rise - and lots will work to meet it.
Everyone wants to be the "Amazon of___." Cannabis is no different. Delivery will be a difficult market to get into as it gets more regulated, but as we have seen, convenience is key!
5. Virtual events are here to stay, especially in the cannabis industry.
With all of the innovation the hospitality industry was forced to do amidst the pandemic, virtual events will not just disappear once Covid is a thing of the past. We predict that virtual consumption/education events will continue, and so will virtual certifications for MMJ cards will also continue. The virtual aspect allows greater reach, which would greatly help the industry.
6. There will be a learning curve for cannabis events.
Consumption events will start to pop up in newly-legalized states, and there will definitely be mistakes made and new considerations/legal ramifications.
We at BLME are so excited about the direction the US is going regarding the legalization of marijuana. We cannot wait to see our cannabis industry trends and predictions unfold and to greater immerse ourselves into the movement.